Pompholyx sulcata; dorsoventral view of specimen carrying an amictic egg. The arrows mark the so-colled "Gosse-thread" with which the egg is attached to the rotifer. (2) |
Pompholyx sulcata; anterior part; ventral view. The corona has a notch at the ventral side. |
Pompholyx sulcata; another specimen, from (3). The yellow triangles mark the gland which produces the thread for atting the egg. This gland is not homologous to the footglands of other rotifers. Red triangles mark the buccal tube; green triangles: retractror muscles. (3) |
Pompholyx sulcata: Kopfregion; Fokus auf die Linsenaugen |
Pompholyx sulcata; the arrows point to the bristles of the lateral antennas. (4) |
Pompholyx sulcata; the arrow points to the bristles of the dorsal antenna. The green alga is an epibiontic euglenid flagellate attached to a Polyarthra rotifer, the fins of which are visible here. (4) |
Pompholyx sulcata; upper image: specimen compressed for trophi maceration. The crop of the upper image shows the openings of the lateral anttennas(arrowheads) and the dorsal antenna (arrow). (4) |
Pompholyx sulcata; ventral view; focus plane on the longtudinal folds of the trunk.(4) |
Pompholyx sulcata; two amictic eggs that have been accidently released from the mother (5) |
Pompholyx sulcata; malleoramate trophi. Left: focus plane on the unci;right: focus plane on the manubria and incus. (4) |
Pompholyx sulcata; specimen with retracted corona (1) |
Location (4): water reservoir Heilenbecker Talsperre; Ennepetal, NRW, Germany |
Habitat (4): plankton |
Date (4): 08.07.2022 |
Location: Sprockhövel Schee, NRW; Germany, fishpond (1); pond (2);(3); Glörtalsperre, NRW, Germany (5) |
Habitat : Plankton / Detritus (1); (2);(3), (5) |
Date: 01.08.2007 (1); 15.10.2011 (2): 23.10.2011 (3); 28.05.2011 (5); |